Training for Family Service Workers: “Empathize, Encourage & Empower: Building Successful Relationships with Parents”

It is essential that families are fully engaged in the lives of their children, including being invested in their child’s education. Establishing meaningful family engagement in your program is critical.  It’s the basis for many other programmatic activities and requirements. The Family Service Worker is the first point of contact for our families. Engaging families and establishing a good working relationship with them is a foundational element in Head Start.

We’ve found that building successful relationships with parents includes:

  • Empathize: Finding the right approach for effective work with families starts with an ability to extend empathy… to understand where they are and where they want to go. Engage and build connection with families by allowing adequate time for conversation and listening with an open mind.  Initiate “rich” conversations with families that get to the heart of where families are and where they want to be.  Create a safe environment for them to share their strengths and open up about areas of challenge.
  • Encourage: To encourage means to “walk along side of” and that is exactly how we want to approach our work with families. Take the time to extend assurance, to work together to create solutions and to offer support in a patient and helpful way. This will lead to meaningful connections.Take time to discover what the family is all about and what is important to them – recognizing their strengths and needs.
  • Empower: Helping families to be involved in their child’s learning is a key component to empowering families. This sets them up for success during their time in Head Start – and after Head Start. Recognize the importance of the parents’ role as their child’s first and most important teacher. Build partnerships as they enter the educational process. Assist as families learn to advocate for their children. Being involved in their child’s education will allow families to grow and be on their way to self-sufficiency.

Are you looking for highly interactive & practice-based training onEmpathize, Encourage & Empower: Building Successful Relationships with Parents”? This training will be custom designed to meet the important role of your Family Service Workers. Give us a call at (704) 451-3255 or email us at

Training for Home Visitors: The Home Visitor as the Coach

Home Visitors have such a short period of time with families each week, yet such a big to-do list. In home-based programs, the Home Visitor is the person who brings all that Head Start or Early Head Start has to offer into the homes of our families. It’s important that Home Visitors are highly organized, focused and clear about their role.

Too often, Home Visitors take over the parents’ role of being their child’s first and most important teacher. They do this by planning the activities, bringing the materials and working directly with the child at the home visit. As a Coach, Home Visitors will be surprised at what happens when they step out of the spotlight and focus on what’s happening between family members. In the role as Coach, Home Visitors will learn to pivot to the parent-child relationship and the everyday interactions that support the child’s development. Coaches stay in the moment, use daily routines and help parents observe, reflect and adapt their behavior to meet their child and family’s needs. The role of the Home Visitor is to empower the parent(s) to support the child’s growth and development. This approach looks for ways that parents can “get it right” so they have more confidence. This confidence will increase the parents’ skills and abilities – and support their child’s readiness for school.

We offer highly interactive & practice-based training that focuses on best practices of Home Visiting – the Home Visitor’s role as the Coach, how to Engage Families during Home Visits,  how to have Successful Socializations … and more! It’s essential that Home Visitors have the skills and confidence needed to lay the foundation for school readiness.

This Home Visitor training includes topics such as:

  • The Home Visitor as the Coach
  • Building strong relationships with families
  • Establishing boundaries; Safety & Awareness
  • Utilizing the Home as a learning environment
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Successful socializations
  • Adult education techniques
  • Working with challenging families

Are you looking for highly interactive & practice-based Training for your Home Visitors on “The Home Visitor as the Coach”? This training will be custom designed to meet the unique role of your Home Visitors. Give us a call at (704) 451-3255 or email us at

Developing Your Plan for Mentor Coaching

What is your program’s plan for Mentor Coaching? The new Head Start Program Performance Standards state that programs must implement a research-based, coordinated coaching strategy for education staff by August 1, 2017.

Mentor coaching is a great opportunity to provide teachers with guidance and support as it pertains to successful teaching strategies. It allows teachers to receive constructive feedback as well as to see effective teaching behaviors through modeling. The feedback and modeling of high quality teacher practices is directly related to the teacher’s mentor coaching goals – which is aligned with the program’s school readiness goals. All of this occurs by the coach first establishing a collaborative partnership with each teacher. This trusting relationship is the foundation that allows for successful mentor coaching.

Practice-Based Coaching is an intentional model of mentor coaching that is centered on teachers having the guidance and support that they need in order to implement high quality teaching practices. The model includes (1) planning goals and action steps, (2) engaging in focused observations and (3) reflecting on & sharing feedback regarding teaching behaviors. Practice-Based Coaching gives teacher the support that they need to go to the next level as it pertains to effective teaching practices.

We offer mentor coaching services (utilizing the Practice-Based Coaching model) in several different ways.

  • On-site training on Mentor Coaching
    • This highly interactive, “how to” training addresses the best practices of mentor coaching, including — coaching models and objectives, key elements of mentor coaching, the change process, the coaching cycle, successful qualities in a coach, and support for coaching.  We also address the Education Coordinator or Mentor Coach’s role in CLASS. This training will include going into classrooms and “practice” the mentor coaching services that were trained on the first day.
  • On-site Mentor Coaching services
    • Our on-site mentor coaching services are a mix of observations and consultation. Services include (1) observing the Education Coordinator/Mentor Coach provide mentor coaching to the teachers, (2) providing feedback to the Education Coordinator/Mentor Coach, (3) modeling mentor coaching for the Education Coordinator/Mentor Coach and (4) providing the Education Coordinator/Mentor Coach with consultation and support.
  • Long-distance Mentor Coaching services
    • We offer mentor coaching services to the Education Coordinator/Mentor Coach or directly to Teachers long distance – via phone and email.  If we conduct mentor coaching services with your Education Coordinator or Mentor Coach, we’ll utilize a “Train the Trainer” model (or in this case, a “Coach the Coach” model) to help them do their best work with teachers. Our services will provide ongoing guidance to your Education Coordinator or Mentor Coach – to give them the tools and support to provide effective coaching services to the Teachers.

Each of the mentor coaching services listed above includes guidance and support that is custom designed to meet the specific needs of your staff. It builds capacity and fosters continuous support. And, finally, it raises CLASS scores.

Are you looking for Training on Mentor Coaching or provision of Mentor Coaching services on-site or long-distance? Give us a call at (704) 451-3255 or email us at

Leadership Development & Supervisory Training

Happy New Year! I hope that you had wonderful holidays. The beginning of the year is an exciting time.  It’s a great time to make plans for the coming year.

When thinking about key steps to take to create a high quality program, I’m sure that developing leaders is near the top of the list. It’s important to have strong leaders in place across your program. They are responsible for leading and supervising the staff who provide direct services to the children and families.

Training on leadership development and how to successfully supervise staff is critical for your Content Area Managers, Center Directors and other supervisors. Managers need the skills to be an effective leader as well as the tools to guide and support their staff. It’s important that supervisors achieve buy-in with their employees. When staff feels that their supervisor is invested in them and their success, staff will give 100% to their job. This is especially important in this case as their job is to provide high quality services to the children and families.

We provide highly interactive Management Training that includes training on leadership development as well as training on supervising staff.  This training includes topics such as:

  • Leadership versus management;
  • Identifying your supervisory style;
  • Your role and responsibilities as a supervisor;
  • Setting expectations and accountability; and
  • Giving staff the tools to be successful.

Are you looking for Training on Leadership Development & Positive Approaches to Supervision? Give us a call today at (704) 451-3255 or email us at

Practice-Based CLASS Training

As you know, it’s essential to have and maintain high CLASS scores. Having high scoring classrooms is a great indicator of positive teacher/child interactions that effectively support children’s learning and development. This leads to successful CLASS Reviews as well as best practices in the classroom.

Effective CLASS training consists of keeping the participants highly engaged by utilizing a “learning by doing” approach. It’s based on the principles of adult learning, which results in high impact learning. Training participants can then take back the information that they learned and implement it immediately. Adult learning is most effective when the participants can see, feel and experience the information that is being presented. This includes utilizing a variety of learning styles throughout the training.

We provide highly interactive and practice-based CLASS training designed to increase CLASS scores. It will be custom designed to meet the specific needs of your Head Start program. It can cover all of the domains and dimensions – or focus on specific domains or dimensions. You can expect hands-on training that includes specific examples and strategies in terms of the Head Start classroom. The training participants will have many opportunities to see what high-scoring domains and dimensions look like. A variety of learning styles will be explored, such as:

  • Small group activities;
  • Video clips;
  • Practice scoring;
  • Pair and share;
  • Role plays;
  • Question and answer sessions; and
  • Interactive exercises.

Are you looking for practice-based CLASS training to increase your program’s CLASS scores? Give us a call today at (704) 451-3255 or email us at

Policy Council and Board of Directors Training: Engaging your Governance Team

As you plan your Policy Council or Board of Directors training, I’m sure that it will include training topics such as roles and responsibilities, performance standards and leadership opportunities. Also consider including topics that are targeted specifically to engage your Policy Council and Board of Directors to be truly invested in your Head Start program. The items below are geared towards creating this engagement.

  • The history and vision of Head Start – Just as it’s important for staff to be familiar with the history of Head Start, it’s essential for your Policy Council and Board of Directors to be familiar with it as well. Knowing where Head Start came from and where it’s going is critical information as they provide governing duties to your program. In addition to the history of Head Start, the mission, vision and guiding principles of Head Start is valuable information to share as well.
  • A strong partnership with the Management Team – It’s essential that your Policy Council and Board of Directors receive training on the value that comes from a strong partnership with the Management Team. Good communication, transparency and trust are key components to creating a successful partnership. A strong partnership will result in a system of effective and efficient governance of the Head Start program.
  • Making an impact – It’s often helpful to begin with the end in mind. Talk with your Policy Council and Board of Directors about what they would like to achieve for your Head Start program while they are a part of the governing body. The possibilities are endless! This will show your Policy Council and Board of Directors the tremendous value that they bring to your agency. Policy Council and Board members can leave a lasting impact on the program for many years to come.

Looking for highly interactive and engaging training for your Policy Council or Board of Directors? Give us a call at (704) 451-3255 or email us at

Key Points from the 2015 NHSA Fall Institute

In case you weren’t able to attend the 2015 National Head Start Association Fall Leadership Institute, highlights included information from the Director, information on grant applications, looking at FY 2016 Monitoring, a summary of CLASS data, an analysis of the Designation Renewal System, an Environmental Health and Safety update as well as Fiscal updates. Check out our comprehensive notes.

  • Comments from Dr. Blanca Enriquez, Director, Office of Head Start
    • The focus for the next 15 months:
      • Moving forward – strengthening our legacy
      • Must continue to be the leaders as other look to us – child cares and school districts.
      • Position Head Start as a value-added, highly respected and accepted program for young children and families in which Head Start grantees are a high performing organ and every child receives a comprehensive, high quality and early care education.
      • Strategic priorities include leadership with character, partnership and collaboration, comprehensive school readiness and high performing grantees.
  • Grant applications
    • Formula for Success
      • Establish and implement goals and objectives +
      • Employ effective management system +
      • Use intentional, periodic methods to assess progress +
      • Conduct continuous quality improvement based on assessment of progress +
      • Anticipate outcomes for children, families and communities +
    • Program growth and responsive change across the project period, which translates to:
      • New heights in quality services for children and families
    • Reordered, refined terms and definitions
      • Long-range goals, program goals, school readiness goals, short-term objectives, outcomes, program impacts, progress, evidence
  • FY 2016 Monitoring at a Glance
    • Slightly enhanced 2015 protocols – Environmental Health & Safety and Fiscal Integrity/ERSEA.
    • Made no significant changes to CLASS and HSKI-C.
    • Developed 2 new protocols – Leadership, Governance, Management Systems (LGMS) and Comprehensive Services and School Readiness (CSSR).
    • FY 2016 Virtual Expo – toolkits, protocols, Review Event education modules and informational videos
    • FY 2016 Fiscal Integrity compliance measures have been modified to account for the Uniform Guidance.
      • Standards have been updated
      • Targeted questions have been adjusted
    • FY 2016 ERSEA protocol was also updated as a result of new OHS requirements
      • Maintaining source documentation
      • Conducting in-person or phone eligibility interviews
      • Adjusted eligibility categories
    • Leadership, Governance, Management Systems (LGMS)
      • Designed to look comprehensively at how the program:
        • Develops its goals and plans
        • Allocates resources (staff, facilities, material resources)
        • Operates as a whole
        • Evaluates effectiveness and ensures ongoing improvement
      • Tool Overview
        • Program planning
        • Developing and organizing resources
        • Operating and implementing the program
        • Evaluating performance and stimulating ongoing improvement
      • Highlights the role of program leadership – Governing Body, Policy Council, Director – on program effectiveness
    • Comprehensive Services and School Readiness (CSSR)
      • This Review is an evaluation of:
        • Grantee’s provision of high quality, comprehensive services to children and families
        • Grantee’s effectiveness in promoting children’s school readiness
      • Tool Overview
        • Assessing children and families’ strengths and needs
        • Addressing children and families’ needs
        • Providing high quality teaching and learning
        • Planning for transition
  • CLASS – Summary of data
Pre-K CLASS Emotional
Head Start Benchmarks 4 3 2
Research Thresholds 5 5 3.25
Head Start Average 2012 5.9 5.45 2.98
Head Start Average 2013 5.99 5.63 2.72
Head Start Average 2014 6.10 5.83 2.90
  • Analysis of the Designation Renewal System (DRS)
    • 1st cohort – announced in December, 2011 (129 grantees)
    • 2nd cohort – announced in January, 2013 (125 grantees)
    • 3rd cohort – announced in February, 2014 (103 grantees)
    • DRS triggers
      • 1st cohort – 100% deficiency
      • 2nd cohort – 66% deficiency, 7% CLASS below thresholds, 37% CLASS in lowest 10%, 1% revocation of license, 2% failure as a going concern
      • 3rd cohort – 50% deficiency, 18% CLASS below thresholds, 49% CLASS in lowest 10% n 4% failure as a going concern
      • The percentages may exceed 100% as some programs received more than one trigger.
    • Designation and implementation issues
      • Deficiency trigger – unequal deficiencies
      • CLASS trigger – inconsistent 10% cut-offs
      • Inconsistency in relationship between triggers and systemic “low quality”
      • Delays in forecasts, funding opportunities, negotiations and announcements
      • Changing process for 5-year grants
      • Successful development of Birth to Five application design
    • About 74% of grantees in 1st 3 cohorts of DRS have had their grants restored in full or in part.
    • About 17% of the grantees in these 3 cohorts have lost their grants.
    • About 8% have had their service area competed a 2nd time.
    • Conclusions
      • The DRS does not yet fully meet Congressional intent of targeting competition at struggling programs.
      • Basic reforms are needed to make the DRS consistent, reasonable and predictable.
      • Conceptual reforms are needed to support programs in working toward high quality, not compliance.
  • Environmental Health and Safety
    • Over 17,000 classrooms were seen last year; over 5,000 centers.
    • 92% of sites did not have any major health and safety issues.
  • Fiscal Updates
    • 45 CFR Part 75 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements (the Uniform Guidance)
      • Applies to awards and award increments made after 12/26/14.
      • Procurement requirements must be implemented by 12/26/15.
      • Information to assist Head Start grantees with implementation has been organized on ECLKC.
      • The Council on Financial Assistance Reform (COFAR) has issued new FAQs and responses – updated as of September, 2015.
      • All grantees need to review and update their fiscal policies and procedures to implement the new Uniform Guidance.
    • Fiscal pitfalls – 2015
      • Cost allocation
      • Annual Report to the public
      • Reporting to the Governing Board and Policy Council
      • Documentation and valuation of non-federal share
      • Capital leases and related party leases
      • Blanket security agreements
  • From the President’s budget regarding Head Start
    • High quality early learning for infants, toddlers and 3 & 4 year olds
    • Innovative programming – raises the bar on quality
    • The budget requests $10.1 billion for Head Start, which is a $1.5 billion increase over the current year.
    • The largest share of this $1.5 billion increase is a $1.1 billion investment to ensure that every Head Start program serves children for a full school day and full school year.
    • The budget request also includes $284 million for a cost-of-living adjustment for all programs.
    • Finally, an additional $150 million for Early Head Start – Child Care Partnerships would grow that investment to $650 million.

Ready, Set, Coach!

We know from research that it isn’t enough to just put new knowledge or techniques in the hands of teachers. They need support to turn those new ideas into practice. This is why so many programs have made mentor coaching a central component of their professional development effort.

Mentor coaches have many roles and responsibilities and use various approaches including on-site, long-distance and an integrated method. All of these approaches help teachers do their best work with children. In order for coaching to improve teacher practice and student achievement, here are a few considerations:

  • Coaches must develop trusting, collaborative relationships with teachers.
  • Professional goals should be tailored to needs identified by teachers.
  • The approach to learning should be collaborative and inquiry-based.
  • Feedback should be content-specific in order to sustain partnerships.
  • The coaches’ role must remain supportive, not evaluative.

Mentor coaching should include activities such as:

  • Creating, implementing and reviewing goals for teachers to achieve through the mentor coaching process;
  • Observing teachers and providing feedback;
  • Sending video clips to teachers to review along with guided questions to answer;
  • Discussing the video clips and activities with teachers;
  • Providing the teachers with ongoing consultation and support.

Are you interested in a strengths-based approach to support teachers in becoming more effective in their interactions to improve children’s outcomes? Our mentor coaching services are based on the principles of practice-based coaching. We also offer a “Train the Trainer” approach by working with your Education Coordinator or other Management staff – to give them the tools and support to provide effective mentor coaching services to teachers.

Contact us at (704) 451-3255 or email us at to discuss your mentor coaching needs. Our mentor coaching services provides teachers with the guidance and support that they need to implement best practices as it pertains to teaching as well as high CLASS scores.

The Intentional Teacher: Planning for Instruction

There is increased public attention on early childhood education and school readiness. It is essential that teachers are confident in data-driven instruction while maintaining a child-centered environment.  The environment should be one that engages children’s inquiry, creativity and problem-solving skills. We want every child who enters school to have the skills and ability to be successful. As early childhood education professionals, we know what high quality instruction looks like – and that academic preparation is only part of it. We also know that play is valuable to the social-emotional and cognitive health of children.

Here are a few suggestions for engaging children as active participants in the learning process.

  • Organize the classroom environment to promote exploration and hands-on learning.
  • Carefully monitor children’s data to guide planning and instruction.
  • Differentiate instruction for children who are at different levels of understanding.

Discover an integrated instructional approach in which the teacher organizes the learning environment. This allow for children to be immersed in experiences while using strategies that intentionally meet the needs of the group as well as the individuals within the group. This training will help teachers understand the role of individualization while also reflecting on the role of the teacher in play-based experiences.

Give us a call at (704) 451-3255 or email us at to schedule training for your teaching staff on “Intentional Planning and Teaching.”

A New Look at Professional Development

With the proposed revisions to the Head Start Program Performance Standards, we notice a distinct shift in strategies to support staff. While most experienced and efficient trainers know that “one shot, sit and get” sessions are not as productive as we might wish, sometimes whole group trainings are best in light of budgets, calendars and staff energy! However, research and best practice confirm the value of a more individualized and personalized approach. Essential Elements is ready and willing to assist as you seek the most effective and creative way to offer training opportunities for your staff.

  • Small group sessions can be arranged to match skill and experience levels and can be offered multiple times in a day at your program. These sessions are highly interactive and participant-driven. Objectives are discussed early with the group and activities are specifically designed around what your staff needs and what you want to see in your program.
  • Observation and coaching on a more individualized level can address specific needs and work from a strengths-based perspective. This method can be accomplished either on-site or ultimately through computer-based sharing. “In the moment” experiences, whether by phone and email or in person, provide excellent examples and offer conversational illustrations.
  • Whole group trainings can still be an effective way to deliver program-wide information or develop skills among team members. Larger programs may have staff groups that can gain perspective from one another; smaller programs may wish to share material among all levels and positions to cross train. Peers working together with guidance by a quality facilitator can be instructional for all.

Essential Elements has experience in small group training, observation and coaching, and whole group training. We are ready to work with your program to design the most intentional and meaningful training plan to ensure quality outcomes for your program.

Looking for custom designed and highly interactive training, give us a call at (704) 451-3255 or email us at